NEW REVIEWSREVIEWSUncategorized The Lady Demands Satisfaction Sarah Nilsen, Katy Laughlin and Jo Ann Mendelson in Arthur M. Jolly’s The Lady Demands Satisfaction at…Steven MorrisAugust 21, 2018
NEW REVIEWSREVIEWSUncategorized Paradise Kelsey Joyce, Paige Segal, Chip Bolcik, Jon Root, and Randy Taylor in Bill Robertson, Tom…Steven MorrisAugust 21, 2018
NEW REVIEWSREVIEWSUncategorized Yellow Face Dennis Nollette, Lisa Gaye Tomlinson, Alfonso Faustino, and Jennifer Vo Le in Yellowface at the Beverly Hills…Steven MorrisAugust 19, 2018
NEW REVIEWSREVIEWSUncategorized Outlaw George Christie, Jr. in his show Outlaw at the Whitefire Theatre. (Photo by Nick Bzovy) Outlaw Reviewed…Steven MorrisAugust 14, 2018
NEW REVIEWSREVIEWSUncategorized Shining City Brian Foyster and Eddie Kehler in Shiining City at the Hudson Guild Theatre. (Photo by Burt Grindstead)…Steven MorrisAugust 10, 2018
NEW REVIEWSREVIEWS Longing Pinocchio Eric Paterniani, Valeria Iacampo, and Veronica Nolte in Paterniani’s Longing Pinocchio by Aliens with Extraordinary Abilities at…Steven MorrisAugust 8, 2018
NEW REVIEWSREVIEWSUncategorized Extremities Laura Coover, Laura Campbell and Whitney Anderson in William Mastrosimone’s Extremities at the Broadwater Black Box. (Photo…Steven MorrisAugust 7, 2018
NEW REVIEWSREVIEWSTop 10Uncategorized Waitress Charity Angél Dawson, Desi Oakley, and Lenne Klingaman in Waitress at the Hollywood Pantages Theatre. (Photo by…Steven MorrisAugust 7, 2018
NEW REVIEWSREVIEWSUncategorized What Happened When Libby Woodbridge and Ian Bamberg in Daniel Talbott’s What Happened When at the Atwater Village Theatre. (Photo…Steven MorrisAugust 3, 2018
NEW REVIEWSREVIEWSUncategorized Famous Markus Silbiger in Michael Leoni’s Famous at The 11:11 Theater. (Photo by Genevieve Marie) Famous Reviewed by…Steven MorrisAugust 2, 2018