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Lola Kelly and Cliff Weissman in Octavio Solis’s Hole in the Sky by Circle X Theatre Company at the Courtship Ranch in Lake View Terrace. (Photo by Jeff Galfer)

Hole in the Sky

Reviewed by Julia Stier
Circle X Theatre Company 
Through September 23

“Horses Crossing” signs pass you on the way to Courtship Ranch – an actual working ranch that is the unconventional stage for Circle X’s latest production, Hole in the Sky. A rural haven just 20 minutes outside of Burbank, Courtship Ranch makes the perfect, dusty setting for a story about ranching, water rights and family.

Under the direction of Kate Jopson, Circle X Theatre presents the world-premiere of Octavio Solis’s drama. When Connor (Lola Kelly) returns home to her family’s ranch, she finds the community in turmoil over the nasty effects of the ongoing drought. But while family, friends and neighbors battle it out, Connor is engaging in a battle of her own to come to terms with a tragedy that has haunted her for years.

With the smell of horse and hay thick in the air, it is not hard to relate to Connor’s love for the ranch. Kelly, as Connor, interacts with her environment almost reverently, conveying her deep love for the place around her. Both William Salyers, who plays Connor’s father Dalton, and Cliff Weissman, who plays Gordon, portray extremely prideful ranch owners, whose rougher edges are smoothed out by Gloria (Christine Avila), Dalton’s overseer, and Hoagie (Leon Russom), Gordon ranch-hand. Russom especially brings much-needed humor to tense scenes. Then there’s Adam (Joseph D. Valdez) and Carlos (Michael G. Martinez), two brothers being driven apart by this war for water — though they do have one thing in common, a love for Lacy (Nicole Erb), Adam’s wife.

The story can be a little hard to follow at times, especially in moments where Connor appears to be addressing an imaginary being. While these interactions are later explained, they can be a bit jolting at first. However, this is a timely story that hits close to home.

This production is made possible by an excellent team of technical artists. With the stage backlit by a full moon, Bo Tindell adds warm, amber lighting to light JR Bruce’s rustic set. It’s a beautiful effect. Cricket Myers makes sure that the actors can all be heard over the occasional snorting of a nearby horse.


Courtship Ranch, 11270 Dominica Ave., Lake View Terrace; Fri.-Sun., 8 p.m.; Mon., Sep. 10, 8 p.m.; through Sep. 23. Running time: two hours with a 10-minute intermission.


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