Caitlin Carleton and Chris Cardano in Cindy Lou Johnson's Brilliant Traces at The Lounge Theatre. (Photo by John Dlugolecki)
Caitlin Carleton and Chris Cardano in Cindy Lou Johnson’s Brilliant Traces at The Lounge Theatre. (Photo by John Dlugolecki)

Brilliant Traces

Red Sage Productions at The Lounge Theatre
Through February 10
Reviewed by David Cruz-Chevez

[Note: This review is part of the Z. Clark Branson/Stage Raw Equity and Inclusion Initiative for Young Journalists. Stage Raw staff are mentoring young authors as they build their professional resumes in arts journalism.]

Red Sage Productions presents Cindy Lou Johnson’s 1989 play Brilliant Traces, a compelling story about two people, Rosannah and Henry (Caitlin Carleton and Chris Cardano), who have both suffered from a series of unfortunate circumstances throughout their lives. One night, after traveling for many days with little to no rest, Rosannah mysteriously shows up on Henry’s doorstep, in Alaska. As Henry and Rosannah begin to open up to one another, they come to the realization that they both have had serious and emotionally complicated lives.

At the beginning of the production, Carleton’s portrayal of Rosannah DeLuce is quite intriguing and reels the audience in. However, Rosannah’s dialogue sounds more from a soap opera than from life. (At times, it feels as if Carleton is playing a desperate mother on a telenovela.) Cardano’s Henry provides a tonal shift with his monologues and remarks towards Rosannah, which allows for quite a beautiful collaboration between these two characters. Their strange interactions make the audience question whether or not the two have met before, and we share Henry’s curiosity as to why Rosannah has driven from Arizona to Alaska.

Technical aspects of the production that shine are the set design (John Mahr) and lighting design (Andrew Schemdake). Throughout the production, the lighting is used to emphasize the raw emotions that each character is feeling. Set and costume design (Kathryn Juday) are used effectively to establish location. The costumes worn by the protagonists aren’t very bright or outgoing (wedding dress as an exception) but are reflective of the Alaskan wilderness.

Thanks to Kiff Scholl’s direction Brilliant Traces has great pacing and propels a strong narrative throughout the entirety of the production, undermined only by the need for more quippy dialogue between Henry and Rosannah.

The show has much to recommend it. The emotional dialogue between Henry and Rosannah towards the end of the production is illuminating and personal, revealing his traumatic past, and his decision to live in such a remote area.


Lounge Theatre, 6201 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood; Fri.-Sat., 8 p.m.; Sun., 7 p.m.; through Feb. 10. (440) 465-8878, or here. Running time: 80 minutes with no intermission.

The writer, David Cruz-Chevez, is a senior currently attending Ramón C. Cortines School of Visual and Performing Arts. His passions include Photography, Journalism, Contemporary Arts and Music Production, and Music Theory.