Ty Mayberry and Angela Gulner in Mary Zimmerman's Argonautika at A Noise Within Theatre. (Photo by Craig Schwartz)
Ty Mayberry and Angela Gulner in Mary Zimmerman’s Argonautika at A Noise Within Theatre. (Photo by Craig Schwartz)


Reviewed by Audrey Schlief
A Noise Within Theatre
Through May 5

[Note: This review is part of the Z. Clark Branson/Stage Raw Equity and Inclusion Initiative for Young Journalists. Stage Raw staff are mentoring the young authors, as they build their professional resumes as arts journalists.


Argonautika, Mary Zimmerman’s groundbreaking re-telling of the heroic voyage of Jason and the Argonauts, brings heart and depth as the characters journey to retrieve the Golden Fleece. A Noise Within brings Zimmerman’s fresh script to life through a marvelous use of artistic license and exotic stagecraft.

King Pelias (Alan Blumenfeld) dreams of a man missing one sandal who’s come to kill him and take the throne. Recognizing the prophecy, Pelias is determined to prevent these events. When his nephew, Jason (Ty Mayberry), arrives with birthday wishes, Pelias notices he is missing a sandal. His servants plot Jason’s downfall. The cunning king decides instead to send Jason on an impossible voyage, promising him the crown upon his return. Athena (Trisha Miller) and Hera (Veralyn Jones) aid Jason on his quest, as he’s been kind to Hera in disguise. Together, they ready a ship, the Argo, and gather a group of strong-willed “Argonauts.”

Julia Rodriguez-Elliot’s sharp, creative direction employs seamless transitions and inspired staging to bring the audience along for the ride. The inventive, elaborate set design by Frederica Nascimento, uses the space with unique displays of expansive fabrics and aerial silks. Ken Booth’s lighting design is both dramatic and engaging, effortlessly shifting from gritty, stormy seas to a romantic, goddess-imbued paradise. Robert Oriol’s sound design and original music composition incorporate beautiful voices, music, and sound, drawing the audience deeper into the story with each passing scene.

Ty Mayberry’s Jason is determined and heroic, exhibiting valor throughout the story. Trisha Miller’s Athena is fierce and clever, proving to be an influential and wonderful guide to the Argonauts. Frederick Stuart’s Hercules shows a brilliant sense of comedic bravado, while Veralyn Jones’ s regal Hera displays strength as she envelops the audience into the Argonauts’ plight. As Medea, Angela Gulner is wild and raw, with a passionate love and desire for Jason. Evan Lewis Smith’s Idmon comes off as mystical and profound, showing grave emotional insight. The production boasts marvelous ensemble work throughout.

Zimmerman intertwines the classic Greek epic tale with modernized storytelling, creating a delightfully contemporary view of history. Argonautika’s humor and personality shape it into a lively, engaging experience. The relevance of our reliance on instinct, and doing what we believe is right, resonates into the 21st century.

A Noise Within Theatre, 3352 E. Foothill Blvd., Pasadena; Thurs., 7:30 p.m.; Fri., 8 p.m.; Sat., 2 p.m. & 8 p.m.; Sun., 2 p.m.; through May 5th. (626) 356-3121 or www.anoisewithin.org. Running time: 2 hours with one 15-minute intermission.