Kacie Rogers and Tiffany Wolff in Bright Half Life at the Road Theatre. (Photo Credit: Elizabeth Kimball)
Kacie Rogers and Tiffany Wolff in Bright Half Life at the Road Theatre. (Photo Credit: Elizabeth Kimball)

Bright Half Life

Reviewed by Socks Whitmore

The Road Theatre

Through May 22


For the second show in its 30th anniversary season, the Road Theatre has set its stage for the Los Angeles premiere of Pulitzer Prize nominee Tanya Barfield’s Bright Half Life: a one-act play that bounces around the 45 years of two women’s complicated love story.

Armed with rapid tonal shifts and brilliant blocking transitions, this show takes audiences for a ride on a non-linear rollercoaster of emotions through the decades of the couple’s relationship. The lighting and sound design play a crucial role in the success of these jumps across time, utilizing an impressive amount of cues to transform the minimalist set into everything from a Ferris Wheel to a moving plane. The only two props are a pair of chairs moved on and offstage by the two actors, whose physicality completes the transformation. Great credit must be given to director Amy K. Harmon for the elaborate sequences of movement that fling the lovers from moment to moment, as well as the actors themselves for staying laser focused throughout and for having a tangible, delightful chemistry. The show includes multiple instants of both playful and passionate physical intimacy that feel real and leave you smiling. The writing also addresses queer marriage and queer parenting, and makes some poignant comments on issues that arise in queer relationships, from engaging with conservative parents to juggling intersectional identities.

This production of Bright Half Life blends the simple and the complex with elegance, resulting in a truly rewarding evening of theater.

The Road Theatre, 10747 Magnolia Boulevard, North Hollywood; Thurs., 8 pm, Sat. 2 pm, Sun., 7:30 pm; thru May 29. https://roadtheatre.org/event/bright-half-life/ Running time: 75 minutes