
Actors’ Equity Speaks

The actors/stage-managers’ union announces a three-pronged approach for L.A.’s small theaters





 According to a statement issued by National Communications Director Maria Somma, Actors’ Equity announced its intention to pursue a “three-pronged” approach to L.A. theaters of 99-seats or less:


1) member-produced shows would exist without an Equity Contract, 2) membership companies may produce shows without an Equity Contract, 3) non-member-produced/non-membership company shows may  produce only if Equity actors/stage-managers are paid at least the minimum wage for rehearsals and performances, however performance and ticket-price caps will be lifted.


Equity will take its plan to a referendum of the union’s L.A. County membership — a protocol required in the 1989 Settlement Agreement —  as well as discussing it at its February membership meeting. Equity’s National Council will make a final decision in April, 2015. Conspicuously missing from the statement is any mention of the 99-Seat Plan Review Committee having a role in forging this plan, which is also explicitly mandated in that same out-of-court settlement. Clarifications on that question, and others, are to come.


The statement is as follows:  


In response to members’ concerns, Equity’s National Council has determined that they will act on a 3-pronged proposal that will ensure our members’ work is valued while preserving their ability to collaborate and work within an existing membership company setting:


  • Allow members in the Los Angeles area to self-produce and collaborate under a new internal union membership rule called the Los Angeles Self-Produced Project Code. Members will be allowed to work without benefit of an Equity contract when they self-produce in theaters of 99 seats or fewer in Los Angeles County.


  • Allow members to work in existing membership companies without benefit of an Equity contract under a new internal union membership rule called the Los Angeles Membership Company Rule. Members may work without benefit of an Equity contract in membership companies in which they have participated and that are in existence as of Feb. 6, 2015 as long as the membership company produces in a theater of 99 seats or fewer.


And for all productions in theaters of 99 seats or fewer that are neither self-produced nor existing membership companies productions, create a new 99-Seat Theatre Agreement that will:


  • Guarantee actors and stage managers are paid a salary no less than the legally mandated minimum wage and ensure members are paid for rehearsals as well as performance hours


  • Lift restrictions on the number of performances and remove caps on ticket prices



  • Maintain the scheduling flexibility that has been allowed in the existing 99 seat plan so that members may take more remunerative employment during the process


The process we are required to follow is outlined in the 1988 [sic] Settlement Agreement. Next steps will include an advisory referendum for members in Los Angeles County to provide their opinion on the proposed action, and a special LA County membership meeting in the month of February. The Council will make a final decision on April 21st.


