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As Above. Production photos by Tera Vale Ragan & Lorna Alkana.
As Above. Production photos by Tera Vale Ragan & Lorna Alkana.

As Above

Reviewed by Vanessa Cate
As Above
Through August 28


Zach Hatch & Alex Hill’s As Above is a unique homage to the sky and man’s relationship with it. As the audience lies comfortably on lawn chairs beneath a deftly simulated starry sky, we are thrust full-tilt through time and space. Each actor in the ensemble punctuates our journey with their own reflections on the cosmos.

Mankind has always worshiped the heavens, and these artists reaffirm our need to continue to do so. But as man has evolved, so has our relationship with the incomprehensibly vast universe, and the manner in which we experience and celebrate things which are important to us. Reflecting this, the show is also a celebration of technology, and how the sky itself has prompted massive invention and innovation throughout the ages.

Stylistically, As Above employs an interesting mix of Brechtian reflective detachment, casual conversation and fantastical technology. These varying elements aren’t quite cohesive. And tonally, the actors very often come off as childish, nonchalant or sanctimonious. However, there is a lot to be said for the charm in sincerity.

What really makes this production soar are its technical aspects and the inventive implementation of them with a limited budget in a warehouse space. The starry sky constructed out of wire and LED lights, the clouds that transport you into the cosmos, balloons, lighting, miniatures, and shadow work — these are all elements of a very impressive technical spectacle.

The brightest star is Zach Hatch’s sound design, which overlays original music, famous sound recordings, and other effects in what is one part time capsule, one part original soundtrack, and one part heavy bass sky rave.

The show covers a lot of ground in a short amount of time, and ends on a bleak yet beautiful note, amid gorgeous lights you’ll wish you could stay beneath.       

As Above, at a secret location in Los Angeles; Performances Thurs-Sun 7:30 p.m. & 10 p.m.; through August 28. https://www.asabovetheshow.com/tickets/ Running time: 70 minutes with no intermission.

