When I invited a friend to attend Accommodation, I said, “I might enjoy it, or it might provoke a heated rant.” As a school psychologist, I was concerned teachers may be vilified. The play gave a balanced and thoughtful view into challenges we face in public education. I predicted many of the plot twists, as this is literally my work, and it took effort to keep my mouth shut. The acting, the set, and script were excellent. At times, I wished I could press pause to define terms for attendees. Around me, people whispered, “What is ISS?” And I wanted to call out, “In School Suspension.” I also wanted to explain sports eligibility to my friend who did not grow up in the US. Overall, a well executed insight to the challenges of teaching and parenting in a highly competitive, privileged community.
Thanks for the suggestion to see the play, Iris. I will look and see if I can do that.
When I invited a friend to attend Accommodation, I said, “I might enjoy it, or it might provoke a heated rant.” As a school psychologist, I was concerned teachers may be vilified. The play gave a balanced and thoughtful view into challenges we face in public education. I predicted many of the plot twists, as this is literally my work, and it took effort to keep my mouth shut. The acting, the set, and script were excellent. At times, I wished I could press pause to define terms for attendees. Around me, people whispered, “What is ISS?” And I wanted to call out, “In School Suspension.” I also wanted to explain sports eligibility to my friend who did not grow up in the US. Overall, a well executed insight to the challenges of teaching and parenting in a highly competitive, privileged community.