Photo by Lindsay Schnebly
Photo by Lindsay Schnebly



Around the World in 80 Days


Reviewed by Lovel Estell III

Actors’ Co-op

Through June 13




There was a time when world travel was easier than now, devoid of security searches, long lines, lurking terrorists and armed personnel — all of which are mercifully absent in Mark Brown’s delightful adaptation of the Jules Verne novel.


Five talented actors channeling 39 bizzaro characters take the audience on a world tour when the stately Phileas Fogg Esq. (played with just the right touch of well-heeled, British smugness by Philip Kreyche) makes a wager with some members of his social club that he can circle the globe in 80 days. And as no proper Englishman travels alone, he is joined on this adventure of misadventure by his loyal French valet, Passepartout (Andrew Carter).


They visit distant lands where they encounter typhoons, exotic peoples, a strange elephant, mad Brahmins, Apaches on the warpath, and even a maiden in distress (Eva Abramian), all the while under the watchful eye of the bungling Detective Fix (Bruce Ladd).  The production’s great fun is made possible in no small part by Rhonda Kohl’s whimsical direction, and the consistently strong work of the ensemble, rounded out by Kevin Coubal.  


David Goldstein’s clever set and Nicholas Acciani’s simple props summon all the trains, boats, steamers, animals and empty space necessary for the excursion.


David B. Marling also deserves praise for his impeccable sound design, as does Matthew Taylor for an equally impressive lighting schema.


Actors’ Co-op, David Schall Theatre on the campus of the Hollywood Presbyterian Church, 1760 N. Gower St., Hlwyd.; Fri.-Sat., 8 pm. (added perfs Sun., June 6 1:30 p.m; June 13, 2:30 p.m.); through June 13. (323) 462-8460,


