Second Annual Stage Raw Awards: A Report

Grossman also demonstrated the kind of wisdom that defines leadership, commitment to a clear purpose while embracing the opposition: “[Actors’ Equity Association] is not the enemy,” he said, referring to the instigators of the latest assault on 99-seat theaters in Los Angeles. Instead, he attributed the current dispute to a kind of cultural divide, based on differing perceptions, that can and must be bridged.

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Bon Voyage, Bob Verini, Highways Anniversary Gala, The City of West Hollywood Buys the Coast Playhouse

"Verini writes, 'After 21 years of living in this beautiful part of the country, 10 of them engaged in theater reviewing, I have decided that the curtain on the next act of my life — and I hope it won’t be the last act — should go up on the East Coast, where my family and full-time employers and, if I am to be fully honest, heart all reside.'” -- by PAUL BIRCHALL

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