Sights Pacific: “Hopscotch” and “Steel Hammer”

"Hopscotch"'s meta-significance may lie in its unabashed embodiment of an anti-operatic happening, shorn of opera’s traditional barriers of social class and pretension (as well as a Happening’s reliance on spontaneity and chance). Yet most of the various innovations can be viewed as effectively a brazen checklist of grant-magnet attributes: prolix profundities, expanding audience appeal to younger demographics, technologically savvy, community-based, environmentally grounded, academically au courant theoretical underpinnings. -- BY MYRON MEISEL

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Funding Arts Journalism: Stage Raw’s Second Symposium on Arts Coverage

On Friday, ESPN announced the dismantling of its popular sports and culture site “Grantland,” eliciting shock and disappointment on the web. The move comes a few weeks after ESPN cut 300 jobs, reportedly to make up lost cable subscription revenue. It is, unfortunately, only the latest sobering development to challenge the financial viability of arts coverage. BY JENNY LOWER.

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Paul Birchall’s Got it Covered: Howlround’s Jubilee, French and Vanessa Host the Ovations, Stage Raw Panel, Harry Potter, and More . . .

But that is not really what the Committee for the Jubilee is about. According to its announcement on the Howlround website, the idea is simply to obtain pledges from theater companies around the country that during the 2020-21 theatrical season, they will produce only works by “women, people of color, artists of various physical and cognitive abilities, and LBGTQA artists.” All other writers might as well take the year off, apparently. --BY PAUL BIRCHALL

Continue ReadingPaul Birchall’s Got it Covered: Howlround’s Jubilee, French and Vanessa Host the Ovations, Stage Raw Panel, Harry Potter, and More . . .