Have Russian Trolls Taken Over the LA Weekly? Really?

"As the story broke yesterday, now-laid off LA Weekly writer Keith Plocek posted a brief, ominous article, asking, “who owns the publication you’re reading right now?” And, adding, “The new owners… don’t want you to know who they are. They are hiding from you. They’ve got big black bags with question marks covering their big bald heads.” -- BY PAUL BIRCHALL

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What’s an Artist to Do in These Troubled Times? Ask Corbett

"Compound the understandable fear of the future with the incomprehensible uncertainty of the present brought about by a single unstable personality representing himself as the most powerful man in the world and it’s perfectly understandable that national issues are impacting each of us on deeply personal levels." -- BY CORBETT BARKLIE

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Playwrights’ Arena, The Broadwater and a Real Estate Dance, The Scenies and Sir Peter Hall Remembered

"Everyone in the town’s intimate theater scene should be delighted with this prospect of a small local theater’s well-deserved rise to mid-size, though the economics of all that will need to be massaged, and may even require several visits to a chiropractor after negotiating with the stage actors’ union. But if anyone can iron out the knots and aches of a mid-size frame, Rivera can. For years, he has been one of the town’s hardest working journeyman directors and opinion makers, and his new home base promises to become central to a bona fide neighborhood and its extended community that’s connected to the school."

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Rising: Our Theater in the 21st Century

"Like music, the theater belongs to everybody, it always did, and everybody needs to be invited to participate as well as to witness, or the art form will burn in the flames of what’s clearly a cultural revolution, burning through pockets of our constricted habits. Audiences of the future, like audiences of yore, ache to curate their experiences. Passive absorption of pre-curated culture within enclosed temples is a 20th century model."

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