Karen Eilbacher Shines a Light on LGBT Community in “Fun Home”

“As individuals and as a nation, we could all use a little more soul-searching of the nature Eilbacher describes. The musical’s subtle advocating for understanding and connection are needed now more than ever in a country (and world) that is increasingly divided. Though, Eilbacher cautions against labeling the show more relevant simply because of political climate. 'It just so happens that our world really, really needs a show like this,'” she says. BY MAUREEN LEE LENKER

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Playwrights on Playwriting, 2017: An LGBT Panel

"What was important was that the panelists were all playwrights, and, as playwrights, their considerations, fears, and hopes were essentially the same as playwrights working in any genre – e.g., how do we get our plays performed, and how do we grow great theater?” --BY PAUL BIRCHALL

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Ask Corbett: To Be Or Not to Be? (a Non-Profit Arts Org)

"Here are the stats: In 2015 charitable giving the in U.S. totaled $373 billion. Individuals made the majority of charitable gifts totaling $299 billion (80%). Foundations gave only a total of $59 billion in grants or 15% of all charitable giving. (Corporations gave the remaining 5 %.) Given these shocking statistics, I would encourage everyone to re-focus fundraising efforts on the individual donor – more on that in another post – and move away from the idea that you will be able to totally support your organization - or project - through grants." -- BY CORBETT BARKLIE

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