The Mad Russian and the Dane, Part 2: More Rudi

“'Twenty dollars?' he said, incredulously. It was a good thing we were standing at the time, because at that moment I realized that I was considerably taller than he, and that tiny advantage was enough to get me through the moment. He began to play out a farce version of the events, in which I was cast as the big bad businessman out to fleece the poor, helpless little dancer. He wasn’t really angry, and he was having fun. I think he enjoyed the audacity of my offering twenty dollars to a man who commanded ten thousand or more for a single performance." -- BY NEAL WEAVER

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L.A. Theater’s Witch Hunters

"A few days after the ad was posted, Rivera’s casting director Raul Clayton Staggs and Rivera received a letter from a mysterious address, which, at the bottom of the letter and in small font, stated, “We are in no way authorized to represent AEA and this notification has not been approved or authorized by AEA. We are concerned, professional members of the L.A. Theatre community and we are in support of their efforts.” --BY PAUL BIRCHALL

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