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Michael Washington Brown in his solo show BLACK! at the Zephyr Theatre. (Photo by Sandey Tenudo)
Michael Washington Brown in his solo show BLACK! at the Zephyr Theatre. (Photo by Sandey Tenudo)


Reviewed by Julia Stier
Michael Washington Brown at the Zephyr Theatre
Through October 14 


Michael Washington Brown’s solo show BLACK! is a compelling piece, full of humor and honesty and offering insight not only into the black experience, but the human experience as well. Through four different voices – those of an American, a Brit, an African and a Jamaican —he shares life lessons, advice, and (according to Brown) “looks at race through a much wider lens.”

While many topics are covered, each character has a core point that they are trying to make. The American, with his deep love for music beyond what is stereotypically considered “black music,” reflects on his own wants and preferences, and the fact that people “are so much more than the shell we’re looking at.” The Brit grapples with whether or not he can be black without going through a struggle. Adding a Caribbean perspective to the conversation, the Jamaican preaches the importance of family, and the lessons one can only learn at home, not at school. He shares with us the words of wisdom he passed down to his daughter: that she is “black, beautiful, and no better or worse than anybody else.” And finally, touching on his deep love for his country, the African conjectures that education will be Africa’s saving grace.

Brown delivers each story honestly, slipping into different accents to take on the persona of the person he is presenting. His deep love for the black global community comes out in his celebration of being a part of it, while he also owns up to his own shortcomings and shares moments when he contributed to the divisiveness sometimes present in that community. Brown’s belief in the importance of this story, this message, makes him engaging to watch, and he is met with a receptive audience, willing to connect with and learn from him.

For audience members of all races and colors, this show educates, inspires, and illuminates new perspectives on the black experience.


Zephyr Theatre, 7456 Melrose Ave., West Hollywood; Sun., 7 p.m.; through Oct. 14. (800) 838-3006 or blackonemanshow.brownpapertickets.com. Running time: 90 minutes with no intermission.
