Doth Thou Protest Enough?

At 30 years of age, Mr. Crandle was old. Very old. Nevertheless, the 8th grade girls swooned over his helmet of thick blonde hair and his pale blue eyes. I never understood that. Their reaction seemed all wrong. But it’s equally likely the 8th grade girls didn’t understand what the French teacher, Madame Famere, with her fashionably tight sweaters and her long, jet black hair, did for the 8th grade boys.-- KEVIN DELIN

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Actors’ Equity Response: “Doesn’t Matter”

A “Matter”: Los Angeles actors clearly let Equity know what it thought of the new plan, providing a stunning defeat of it in a referendum by a 2-to-1 margin. Equity’s response: “Doesn’t Matter.” Equity decided instead to bring up the number of participants in the vote as an important metric.--BY KEVIN DELIN

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Questions Unanswered by AEA

The upheaval in the Los Angeles theater community caused by the Actors’ Equity Association (AEA) rejiggering of the decades-old 99-Seat Plan has been a complex story. It’s easy to get lost in a myriad of details and false starts. Here, then, is a short list of straightforward questions and issues that the AEA has not yet addressed in any significant way. The list is pocket-sized (assuming your tablet or smartphone fits in your pocket) for easy access. BY KEVIN DELIN

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