Geffen Playhouse Slapped With Age and Disability Discrimination Lawsuit

"The document suggests that two events changed the mood of Arney’s tenure at the Geffen, the first being the transfer of Gil Cates, Jr. (son of the theater’s late producing director and Board Chair, Gil Cates) from Board Vice Chair to Executive Director. The second event occurred when Arney manifested early stroke-like symptoms of Bell’s Palsy." -- BY PAUL BIRCHALL

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Read more about the article Our Man Sam: On Playwright Sam Shepard, Dead at age 73
Sam Shepard (Photo by Chad Batka)

Our Man Sam: On Playwright Sam Shepard, Dead at age 73

"I always felt like playwriting was the thread through all of it," Shepard said in 2011. "Says Shepard, 'Theater really when you think about it contains everything. It can contain film. Film can't contain theater. Music. Dance. Painting. Acting. It's the whole deal. And it's the most ancient. It goes back to the Druids. It was way pre-Christ. It's the form that I feel most at home in, because of that, because of its ability to usurp everything.'" -- BY VANESSA CATE

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NMI takes AEA to the NLRB, City Garage Re-Imagined and Showdown in Chi Town

“The case, on the face of it, is pretty simple,” Scott Guy told Stage Raw. “We’re asking to be removed from the Do Not Work list. We’re asking to be recognized as a membership company.” BY PAUL BIRCHALL

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The Mad Russian and the Dane, Part 4: Erik

"In the balcony scene, which was very funny and very sweet, the balcony was too high to climb, but low enough that he had to try. He played Romeo as a shirt-tail boy who was always trying to keep his shirt tucked in and his hair slicked down. He put his back to an adjacent tree and his feet on the wall, and shinnied up the wall till he was beside her. But then in his eagerness and ardor, he leaned toward her, lost contact with the tree and fell kerplunk to the ground. It was lovely. " -- Neal Weaver

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FRINGE RAW: “Name This Magic Show”, “Jon Armstrong: Comic Amazement”, “The Motherfucker with the Hat”, and “Secret Honor – The Last Testament of Richard M. Nixon”

Ashley Steed weighs in on some of her top picks for The Hollywood Fringe Festival 2017.

Continue ReadingFRINGE RAW: “Name This Magic Show”, “Jon Armstrong: Comic Amazement”, “The Motherfucker with the Hat”, and “Secret Honor – The Last Testament of Richard M. Nixon”