Who’s the Most Popular Playwright in L.A.? Part Three

"But there’s a question beyond what we should expect from the Bard. That question is, how should we process our disappointment on those occasions that Shakespeare’s productions come up short. This question virulently divides artists." -- BY MAUREEN LENKER

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Who’s the Most Popular Playwright in L.A.? Part Two

"But there’s a question beyond what we should expect from the Bard. That question is, how should we process our disappointment on those occasions that Shakespeare’s productions come up short. This question virulently divides artists." -- BY MAUREEN LENKER

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Who’s the Most Popular Playwright in L.A.? Part One

"On the 400th anniversary of his death, what makes Shakespeare endure as a seminal artistic figure in a city thousands of miles from the land of his birth? What brings Angelinos back to Shakespeare summer after summer? Why has a Moliere summer festival never taken hold? Is 'The Imaginary Invalid' or 'Tartuffe' not as theatrical, and goofy, and accessible as 'A Midsummer Night’s Dream' or 'Romeo and Juliet?'" --BY MAUREEN LENKER

Continue ReadingWho’s the Most Popular Playwright in L.A.? Part One