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Dan, and the Permutations of Hope

This Post Has 28 Comments

  1. Barbara

    My prayers and all of my passion as an artist I offer you and Dan- We have been fighting like HELL. I wish you all the best.

  2. Sarah

    Thanks so much Steven LM.
    Breathe xxxswz

  3. Susan Rubin

    Such a beautiful explanation Steven. All of us are saddened and probably a little scared. If this can happen to Dan so suddenly…. etc. I produced one of the earliest readings of Red Ink at Bootleg. Remember? Dan was everything you’ve described, and though Bootleg couldn’t produce any play then, the reading was great, and I was proud. I was also glad to have met Dan. I don’t claim to know him well, but all of my hope is with him and his family. Because the last several months have made me more aware of the fragility of everything I have always assumed were forever. Thank you and Jacqueline Wright for keeping us informed. In your next update, I would like to hear that Dan asked for some extra jello cubes. Or asked for anything. Please.

  4. Jeannine Wisnosky Stehlin

    Steven, as usual, you pour your heart and soul and your yes- decency too, into everything that you write. Thank you for sharing these very intimate moments of humanity with us. Through tears and recognition, I send thoughts of hope, strength and recovery through the internet to the loving hearts of Dan and his family and friends. Humbly,

  5. Annie Abbott

    Thank you for the reminder- documenting the split second, the hardly perceptable moment- when everything can change forever. We need to never forget, that it exists for all of us! Thank you, and sending loving thoughts and prayers to Dan, Lea and Katie Bonnell.

  6. Isabel Storey

    Thank you, Steven. I am hoping as well – and thinking of Dan and his beautiful family with love.

  7. Wendy Worthington

    Wow. What a powerful reminder of both fragility and hope. Am sending good thoughts and hoping to hear great news all round very soon.

  8. L. Trey Wilson

    Thank you so much for sharing that. So glad that you were there to assist the way you did. I hope you know what a tremendous help you were in that moment for him. Thank you!

  9. Bernadette

    Thank you for this, Steven. I am sending love and light to Dan and his loved ones.

  10. Stephanie Shroyer

    Thank you so much for sharing this Steven…I’m holding Dan and his family in my thoughts and prayers and I’m clearing space on the calendar to attend the marvelous play Dan and your are collaborating on…it must happen!

  11. Amanda Carlin

    Thank you, Steven L. Morris, for the gift of including me (us) in the micro/macro of those moments. Yes we’re all sending, and Lea is telling us that they’re receiving. I have been seeing the sights of my days (for the past two and a half-) as if Dan were taking the photos. That one. And ooh, that ! Quite exhilarating.

  12. Phillip Curry

    I don’t know Dan, however many of my good friends do and regardless, he is a man in need of prayer, so he is in mine. Speedy recovery, Dan.

  13. David Dean Bottrell

    Thank you for posting this. Dan is an incredible guy. And (like a lot of people) I’m praying for a complete recovery. In the meantime, let’s all offer Lea and Katie our love and support.

  14. Jay McAdams

    thanks for this, Steven, and for being at Dan’s bedside. He is one of the good people, and Lea, and you. All of us in the theatre community are touched by this and are pulling for him while we are reminded of the fragility of life, and the bonding power of live theatre.

  15. Ann Warren

    Thank you so much for posting this. My daughter Lulu has been a student of Lea’s for several years and has also worked with Dan. We are all so sad that this has happened to such a wonderful family. But we are hopeful. As you remind us, hope and belief are our most powerful weapons, and we are sending all we have to Dan.

  16. Chet Grissom

    Thank you for this…it’s full of heart. All of us at the Road Theatre love Dan (he directed two plays there last season) and I am producing a piece that he is directing in our “Off Road” series. We go into tech next week. We are all worried about him and have just gotten scraps of information, but enough to know that he will have a long recovery and we need to press on…it’s what Dan would want. It’s what we all want. It’s what we do…press on.

  17. June Stoddard

    My heart is with you all. I know this stage too well. The only thing you can do is be in utter denial and hope. Sometimes miracles happen. Hoping for one.

  18. Nancy Youngblut

    Thanks for this. We will continue with this circle of hope. Beat the drums of Hope. Hope is what we as a community DO.

  19. Michael C. Mahon

    Thank you for sharing this Steven. Thoughts and Prayers to Dan, Lea and Katie.

  20. Chris Grove

    Thanks Steven. I worked with Lee and Dan (too long ago.) It was a wonderful experience. I remember their magnificent smiles (and laughs.) Though I haven’t seen them in nearly 20 years, since this event, I’m thinking about them and their daughter all the time. I pray for the best result possible.

  21. Dan Berkowitz

    I only know Dan by reputation — and a shared first name — but I wish him the best. And thank you for a beautifully written reminder of our humanity.

  22. Sam Anderson

    I can’t remember when I had a reaction like this. I’m sure all of us who know Dan have been trying to piece together what could have happened, how did he deal with it, how did the people around him deal with it and how did he get to where he is. You not only told us, you did so with compassion and heart and an honesty that so described him to me that I almost felt like I was there with you. A year ago, Dan came to the Road and directed two plays for us by the incomparable Julie Marie Myatt. I had the great and complicated pleasure of doing “John is a father” with him. Complicated not because of him — I had a severely broken leg and when we started, wasn’t sure I’d even be able to walk, much less do the play. His calm, easygoing, no-nonsense “we’ll take it all as it is” approach and his love and respect for the art simply gave this cast permission to live and breathe and to be dangerous. Your description of him dealing with this emergency is just that. I send him back all the positive energy he sent to me, and I can’t wait for him to come back stronger than ever.
    Thank you, Steven.

  23. Brenda Varda

    Steven, Thanks for this – in all the raw honesty and total compassion for a wonderful member of the theatre community.
    All goodness to Dan and family.

  24. Sofie Calderon

    Thank you, Steven. I needed this. Many of us did. Prayers to kind, fair, calm, wonderful Dan and his lovely family.

  25. Liz Ross

    Thank you, Steven. We’re all standing by to see how we can be of help to Dan, Lea, and Katie.

  26. Risa

    Very moved. Very hopeful. Thank you.

  27. Anne Flournoy

    Thank you for this!

  28. Mirirai

    Thank you writing this. Thank you for honoring Dan and his family and hope. Fighting for miracles inDEED.

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