
L.A. Meets Warsaw: Stage Raw’s First International Digital Play Festival Announced

All playwrights in Poland and the U.S. welcome to participate!




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Fulfilling its promise of being an innovative, interactive laboratory for the arts, Stage Raw is pleased to announce its first International Digital Play Festival, an exchange between playwrights and audiences in Poland and the United States.


The concept is to discern how an audience’s creative response to a new text can lend a clearer idea of how the work is received across an ocean.


Four new plays from the U.S. (with video playwright interviews) have already been posted, along with four new plays from Poland. The U.S. plays (By Sheila Callaghan, Alice Tuan, Robert O’Hara and Lucas Hnath) were curated by Center Theatre Group’s Literary Manager, Pier Carlo Talenti in Los Angeles. The Polish Plays (by Wojtek Ziemilski, Magda Fertacz, Szczepan Orlowski and Dorota Maslowska) were curated by Joanna Klass, Head of Theater Programs at the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Warsaw. Here’s how the festival works:


POLISH AUDIENCES: Please choose your favorite U.S. play, and enter our contest with a 5-minute playlet in response, i.e. inspired by the original play. Please send your playlet to Joanna Klass at arden2@att.net by midnight, February 20, 2015. A committee at the Adam Mickiewicz Institute will select four of these playlets for the Interactive Festival.


AMERICAN AUDIENCES: Please choose your favorite Polish play, and enter our contest with a 5-minute playlet in response, i.e. inspired by the original play. Please send your playlet to Steven Leigh Morris at steven@stageraw.com by midnight, March 1, 2015. A Stage Raw Committee will select four of these playlets for the Interactive Festival.


THE INTERACTIVE FESTIVAL will occur on March 21, 2015 simultaneously at Pasadena, California’s Theatre @ Boston Court at 1 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time) and at Warsaw’s Teatr STUDIO in the Palace of Culture, starting at 10 p.m (Central European Time). The concert, with other live entertainments, will be simultaneously live-streamed between the two cities. An American playlet will be broadcast from Pasadena, followed by a Polish playlet (in Polish with subtitles) broadcast from Warsaw, followed by another American playlet, then another Polish playlet, and so on.


Submissions not selected for the March Festival will remain in consideration for another Digital Play Festival being planned for the fall.


Stage Raw’s International Digital Play Festival is part of Polish Theatre Month, co-sponsored by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Warsaw; and the Polish Consulate, Los Angeles. As part of Polish Theatre Month/ LA, the four Polish plays in Stage Raw’s International Digital Play Festival will receive presentations as either readings, workshops or productions at various locations throughout Los Angeles, to be announced.


