

Dress to the Ninety-Nines!

Answers to frequently asked questions about the upcoming Stage Raw Theater Awards

By Steven Leigh Morris


Joel Polis, Anna Khaja and Jason Karasev in The Fountain Theatre's Stage Raw Theater Awards-nominated production, MY NAME IS AHSER LEV. (Photo by Ed Krieger)

Joel Polis, Anna Khaja and Jason Karasev in The Fountain Theatre’s Stage Raw Theater Awards-nominated production, MY NAME IS AHSER LEV. (Photo by Ed Krieger)


Question: What are you talking about?

Answer: The first-ever Stage Raw Theater Awards, co-presented by The Celebration Theatre and the Los Angeles Theatre Center, and co-hosted  by Alec Mapa and Parvesh Cheena, are around the corner — Monday evening, April 13, at Los Angeles Theatre Center, 514 S. Spring Street, downtown L.A. Doors open at 6:30, show starts at 7:30, post-show catered reception from 9 to 10:30.  


Question: Why should I care?

Answer: Because it’ll be a great party, which we all desperately need, and because you care about the great, embattled 99-seat theater in L.A. All of these awards go to theaters of up to 99-seats, just like the L.A. Weekly Theater Awards, which these have replaced. However, the jury is much the same.


Question: You mean, there are NOMINEES?

Answer: Yes, The nominees list is here. Our jury was seeing hundreds of shows all through the calendar year of 2014. There were heated debates over who should be on the list, and this is what they came up with. 


Question: Okay, I get that someone who is named on the list is a nominee. But who’s a nominee in ensemble or revival categories?  

Answer: That’s a very good question. The nominees for ensemble awards are all actors listed in the program of the nominated production.


For Best Musical, Revival, and Production of the Year awards: nominees include producers, directors, actors, writers, stage managers, choreographers, designers, and composers listed in the program.


For the Production Design award, nominees include producers, directors and designers listed in the program.


Question: What do I wear?

Dress to the ninety-nines.


Question: What does “dress to the ninety-nines” mean?

Answer: I don’t know. We’ll see on April 13.





Question: How much are tickets?

Answer: $25 + a processing fee, that includes entertainment and the catered buffet dinner. You can purchase tickets here.


Question: Do nominees get in for free?

Answer: No. We set the ticket price at a level we figured was affordable for the community, and would allow us to put on the best show and best spread possible. Stage Raw is a pioneering digital venture just over one-year old. We believe that our community deserves the best we can offer, and we want to guarantee that we are able to continue providing local theater reviews and innovative content for years to come. Every couple that buys tickets to the theater awards ensures one review of a 99-seat theater by one of Stage Raw’s qualified and dedicated critics. The Stage Raw Theater Awards this year are a celebration and a Pro99 rallying cry, and an evening celebrating the very best that 99-seat theater has to offer. Even if you’re unable to attend, please consider donating to Stage Raw, so we can become your destination for L.A. theater.


Question: I’m an actor and a nominee, and I just lost my job. I care barely pay my rent, let alone pay $25 + processing fee for the awards show, even if the price is fair. What can I do? 

Answer: We have no intention of turning away any nominees for reason of financial hardship. Please contact me or our marketing director Shelley Leopold,  and we’ll work something out so you can attend.


Donal Thoms-Capello and Chirs L. McKenna in TASTE at Sacred Fools Theater Company. (Photo by Jessica Sherman.)

Donal Thoms-Capello and Chris L. McKenna in TASTE at Sacred Fools Theater Company. (Photo by Jessica Sherman.)



Question: Can I pay at the door?

Answer: Yes, but they’ll stick you with a $10 “tax.” Believe me, Stage Raw will see none of that revenue. To avoid that, buy your tickets early.


Question: What if I have other questions?

Answer: Feel free to contact me at: steven@stageraw.com


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