Photo Courtesy of Micah Cover
Photo Courtesy of Micah Cover

Monday Magick with Micah the Magician

Reviewed by Julyza Commodore

Zombie Joe’s Underground Theatre Group

Thru October 24th (Monday’s Only)


It would be difficult to not believe in magic after watching Monday Magick with Micah the Magician. Starring Micah Cover and produced by Zombie Joe, it is an interactive magic show where audience members are both the magician and medium. (The show that I attended also starred Andy Deemer as the opening Magician.)

What really plays a starring role is the intimate setting of Zombie Joe’s Theatre. Although this could work in a larger theatre setting as well, the close proximity makes everything feel that much more immediate. Also, the show’s interactive aspect is pretty much impossible not to enjoy. Both Andy and Micah called on audience members to be involved in each magic trick. Because of this, even skeptics of magic would have a difficult time not investing in the sheer fun.

Micah the Magician keeps the audience as involved and as excited as he is, but also on their toes. Of course, the audience expects to see magic. However, they may not be sure of what magic they will see and how it will unfold. Each of his eight sets gets more engaging than the previous, so that I didn’t want the show to end.

Zombie Joe’s Underground Theatre Group, 4850 Lankershilm Boulevard, N. Hlywd.; Mon., 8:30 pm; thru Oct 24.