What’s an Artist to Do in These Troubled Times? Ask Corbett

"Compound the understandable fear of the future with the incomprehensible uncertainty of the present brought about by a single unstable personality representing himself as the most powerful man in the world and it’s perfectly understandable that national issues are impacting each of us on deeply personal levels." -- BY CORBETT BARKLIE

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Playwrights’ Arena, The Broadwater and a Real Estate Dance, The Scenies and Sir Peter Hall Remembered

"Everyone in the town’s intimate theater scene should be delighted with this prospect of a small local theater’s well-deserved rise to mid-size, though the economics of all that will need to be massaged, and may even require several visits to a chiropractor after negotiating with the stage actors’ union. But if anyone can iron out the knots and aches of a mid-size frame, Rivera can. For years, he has been one of the town’s hardest working journeyman directors and opinion makers, and his new home base promises to become central to a bona fide neighborhood and its extended community that’s connected to the school."

Continue ReadingPlaywrights’ Arena, The Broadwater and a Real Estate Dance, The Scenies and Sir Peter Hall Remembered