This Week’s Roundup: Theatrical Think Tanks; Antaeus Does Kickstarter; Will WeHo Breathe New Life into the Coast Theatre?

"I don’t think theater folks have ever been reluctant to engage in profound naval gazing, but nowadays the discussion has become codified and sanctioned. If there is one good thing to have come out of the entire AEA/Pro-99 debacle, it’s this: The folks who live and do their art here are now more united than ever before." -- by PAUL BIRCHALL

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Imagining the Other: How Through the Looking Glass connects communities through live storytelling.

“Ultimately,” Quickley said, “what I want is a model that allows them to bring in everything that exists in their world…all the things that live and breathe in the world that they’re in. By allowing people to bring in the totality of their thoughts — not just the positive ones, not just the ones we reward you for socially but to bring in everything … and allow them over the course of the project to decide ultimately what has value and what doesn’t." -- by JESSICA SALANS

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Before attending the opening night of fashion designer Octavio Carlin’s, HollyWould, I watched the Republican National Debate. Antonin Scalia was found dead that morning, and the first question posed to the candidates was whether the current POTUS, Barak Obama, should appoint a replacement judge to the Court.

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Broken Fences; Lear; The Room

"Broken Fences, Steven Simoncic’s smart, entertaining and illuminating addition to the subgenre, receives a deft and sensitive production at the Road on Magnolia: it’s an exemplary social issue play that, while neither difficult nor complex, clearly evidences a deep appreciation for the difficulties of complex situations." -- by MYRON MEISEL

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Robert Lawrence Nelson’s melodrama about two lonely people finding a connection disappoints on almost all fronts. While the performances from the two leads — Julie Dolan as Samantha and Chad Addison as Toby — are solid, with both actors plumbing some complicated emotional depths, the production as a whole fails to ignite. That’s because its sodden storyline lands like a wet blanket.

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