The Timely and the Timeless: What Makes a Classic

I believe Jean Renoir said it takes about 25 years to know if a work of art is any good, obviating all instant criticism. (Walk through any “contemporary” art museum to confirm.) Certainly they mutate over such a length of time. Context changes, and more importantly, so do we. --BY MYRON MEISEL

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Paul Birchall’s Got It Covered: Paul Verdier, Dakin Matthews, A.J. Schoenberg and Stephen Sachs

Dakin Matthews, an Equity actor of indisputable professional renown and whose career spans both Equity productions like The Audience on Broadway and 99-seat shows with The Antaeus Company, is perhaps the first union member to step up and take a pin to the bloated shallowness of the “ask if it’s Equity” campaign. In a letter posted to the Pro99 Facebook page, and already widely circulated through the net, Matthews interprets the “Ask if it’s Equity” campaign as the cynical catch-up PR operation it is.

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