Ivy Bottini

"Although a few of Ivy Bottini's pieces in the exhibition reflect her activism, most of the work on display is non-political - a gladdening medley of sensuous nudes, penetrating portraits and abstract floral designs." By Deborah Klugman

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2014 FYF

As with all music festivals, the performances at the 2014 FYF (in Exposition Park and the Sports Arena) provided food for the ears and eyes, an all-you-can-eat-buffet of sounds, beats, voices, visuals, and rhythms. BY DEVIN WEIL

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Buderwitz Rules

Set Designer TOM BUDERWITZ has 25 rules for his craft. Among them: "Hold honesty above everything else. The truth is paramount. Make sure what you design is truthful. Is it the right space with the correct elements? Does it answer the questions in the text? Is it the right world for the play? That’s huge. Again, is it the right world for the play? Does it fit to the text? It had better. Is it a viable space? Does it make sense? Do the actors feel right within it? Is there the right amount of room to move (not too much, not too little). Your design must speak to the essence of the playwright’s play."

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