Notes from Arden

Playwright-director-producer Diana Gibson died July 17 of complications from pneumonia. She cemented her legacy in local theater during the 1980s and 1990s by producing 10 comedies by Justin Tanner at Hollywood's now defunct Cast Theatre on El Centro, where she worked as associate artistic director and then artistic director (after her associate Ted Schmitt died in 1990). Justin recalls those tempestuous years. This week's Notes also includes recollections of Diana by Deborah Lawlor, associate artistic director of the Fountain Theatre, where Diana worked as subscriptions manager until she died.

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Read more about the article Citizen Raw’s View From the Bridge: Devin Weil
From City Garage's production of "The Conduct of Life" Photo by Paul M. Rubenstein

Citizen Raw’s View From the Bridge: Devin Weil

As part of Stage Raw's "View From the Bridge" outreach program, Paul Birchall joined 21-year-old Occidental College graduate Devin Weil at City Garage's production of Maria Irene Fornes's "The Conduct of Life." How do 20-year-olds respond to local theater? Read Paul's interview with Devin, and compare their reviews of the production.

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Notes from Arden

It started with a letter of complaint from Anteaus Company's press rep, Lucy Pollak, regarding my review of Kenneth Cavander's "The Curse of Oedipus" -- a new play derived from excerpts of ancient Greek texts: We have some corrections, Lucy wrote, but you don't have to make them if you don't want. Hmmm. The author was clearly vexed, breaking his own rule never to respond to a review. I wrote back, explaining my position. With Lucy's intervention, Kenneth and I were soon speaking by phone. We agreed to debate our way through the thickets of his play, and of ancient Greek mythology. That debate is this week's Notes.

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