Frederique Michel and Charles Duncombe’s City Garage

“At the age of 16,” Michel says, “I knew right away that I wanted to work as an actress on stage and then that was it. I was in love with the theater and will always be in love with the theater, and right now I am suffering, because I am not working in the theater.”

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David Melville and Melissa Chalsma’s Independent Shakespeare Company

“We generally know what’s going to set each other off so we really try not to get stuck in each other’s territory,” Melville explains. Furthermore, says Chalsma, “We are blessed with amazingly calm, go-with-the-flow kids [an 18-year-old daughter and an 11-year-old son]. They are doing okay through all this, fortunately. They share a love of Saturday Night Live sketches, so we watch a lot of those!”

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