Kosovo’s Moliere, Jeton Neziraj, Coming to Santa Monica

"At the beginning of rehearsals, the company sent out fake press releases saying that the play was being produced with the full support of the Kosovo government (it wasn’t), then added to the mayhem by announcing that there were only five copies of the script, that they had all been stolen, but the actors had memorized their lines, so all was well. By the time the play was produced, police had been called in to protect the theater, there were bomb threats, audience members took to the stage and shouted that the play was “anti-national” and funded by the Serbs, etc., etc."

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Barcelona Dance Troupe Barred From LA

“The atmosphere was hostile . . . Later, they tell us that all the documentation was correct but the visa that the American Embassy authorized us to be able to work in Los Angeles was not valid. (That statement was a lie, according to the American Embassy here in Barcelona.)”

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