You are currently viewing Paul Birchall’s Got it Covered: From Visualizing the Invisible, to the Ovations, to Annenberg’s New Leader, and More

Paul Birchall’s Got it Covered: From Visualizing the Invisible, to the Ovations, to Annenberg’s New Leader, and More

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. William Salyers

    There is so much great theatre being generated by LA currently, it’s hard NOT to suspect AEA is actively trying to shut us down with their mandatory changes. We would be better off ignoring Equity completely, than letting them destroy the fertile soil that is yielding so much good and important work.

  2. Eric Sims

    For the record- there is no backroom negotiation or manipulation of Ovation voters as implied in this article, and the insinuation is frankly irresponsible, unfounded and beneath the standards of this writer and this website. Ovation voters select the shows they vote on individually, and the ORC has taken great pains to ensure that they are seeing shows at a wide range of companies- requiring them to see a minimum of 15 shows produced by 15 different companies. Voters are required to see a minimum of three assigned shows- which are assigned based on their need for voters in order to qualify for consideration, not based on some conspiratorial notion of companies which a small cabal of theatre elites would like to see rewarded, as the writer implies. The ORC and LASA staff take great pains to ensure that the Ovations are administered in the most equitable and ethical manner possible, and so I find the snide insinuations of this writer to be both insulting and demeaning to the hard work of those looking to reward excellence and raise awareness of LA Theatre. I would like to request that a correction and an apology be issued.

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