Tiffany Wolff and Alison Blaize in The Spanish Prayer Book at the Road Theatre on Magnolia. (Photo by Brian M. Cole)
Tiffany Wolff and Alison Blaize in The Spanish Prayer Book at the Road Theatre on Magnolia. (Photo by Brian M. Cole)

The Spanish Prayer Book

Reviewed by Steven Leigh Morris
The Road Theatre 
Through November 10


In its gentle, unassuming and sometimes playful way, The Spanish Prayer Book stands in defiance of tribalism and barbarism, old and current, like some lonely protestor holding up a placard in a vicious storm. If anybody sees and appreciates that placard, then the playwright’s efforts will not have been in vain. The play meets its goal by connecting people and ghosts through an historical dreamscape, from the Spanish Inquisition through Nazi Germany, to New York and London in the early 21st century.

See full review/essay in Notes from Arden