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Photo by Elena Jasic

Stealing From the Collection Plate: Sacred and Profane in Our Theater

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Ezra Buzzington

    And we also know “who”.

  2. Shelagh McFadden

    Beautifully written.

  3. Bert van Aalsburg

    Let’s be clear on one thing.

    The pastor, who stands before you, speaking words of wisdom and comfort and inspiration, is paid to be there.

    Given your stance on performers being paid to perform, as stealing from the collection plate, you must surely believe the pastor, and other church workers, are doing the same.

  4. Perry Lambert

    Sir, your essay gets a F!

    You’ve barely scratched at the idea the differences or similarities of church and theatre.

    As a son of a Greek Orthodox Priest and having been brought up knowing the difference between a faith that is grounded in scripture, doctrine, and a history of it’s blessed prophets, or one that one author put it as a “kingdom of the cults,” and having studied theatre history in college from the ancients to modern. There are many things that “look” the same, but are not.

    Dig deeper next time!

    Knowing all this, you can not compare a church to theatre! You may try, but ultimately you failed in your essay. They are not the same in structure or for “purpose” and a host of many other good reasons…too many to go over on this post!

    However, there is one exception as it stands that they have in common, at least at my church, they both “pay” their facilitators a salary that conforms with prevailing wages.

    Our Priests, our groundskeeper and maintenance, secretaries, cooks, organist, and church custodian all receive a salary for their services. I find it such a puzzlement and with gobsmacked astonishment that you and others keep wanting and insisting to make the case that theatre should not be a commercial enterprise…I’m here to tell you that it is!

    Even since the times of the ancients Greeks, who created theatre, it has been a commercial enterprise in which the citizens would come and pay to see a performance of a story of the Gods. The state paid for the playwrights and the actors who had speaking roles and a Choregus, an ancient Greek theatrical sponsor, would finance production costs not covered by the state.

    As a added note, my dad was also a carpenter by trade and helped build the bridges on the Ohio Turnpike…he was also a union member!

    Even as a Priest he continued to work at his craft and take jobs to feed his family. And was paid handsomely for it. He taught me his “artistry” of working with wood, and the tools of his trade…just like my drama and theatre teachers taught me my trade as a “Journeyman Actor.”

    So please don’t diminish the works of others. All works are artistic by nature when they come from your hands and mind.

    So no matter what you try to say to convince us of your “cult”, the bottom line is everyone deserves to be compensated for their services with a legal wage…even Actors and Priests!

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