Photo by Ed Krieger
Photo by Ed Krieger


The Comedy of Errors


Reviewed by Lovell Estell III

T.U. Studios

Through June 28.




There is a simple, frolicsome charm that attends director Gloria Gifford’s staging of the bard’s early romantic comedy. For one thing, there are the belly dancers — an eye–fetching, shimmying and shaking troupe of young ladies in their colorful assortment of costumes designed by Gifford, Kasia Pilewicz and Nakta Pahlevan.


They also function quite well as a de facto chorus (hearing them isn’t nearly as enticing or enjoyable as seeing them dance, however). Davia King, Jeffrey Casciano and Billy Budnich provide a painted, scenic backdrop of the Greek coast, habitations and all, that is cartoon silly but spot-on appropriate for this comedic romp, as well as being very utile.


The plot concerns identical twin brothers (Chad Doreck, Danny Siegel), and their twin servants named Dromio (Antonio Roccucci and Justin Truesdale), all of whom were separated at infancy because of a shipwreck, and the ensuing confusion and comedic mishaps that occur when they all wind up in the town of Ephesus.


Gifford has tossed in some pleasant surprises, and does a remarkably effective job of marshaling a large cast on a small stage. All performances are uniformly good, though this production is double cast.


T.U. Studios, 10943 Camarillo St., N. Hlywd.; Sat., 8 p.m.; Sun., 7:30 p.m., through June 28. (310) 366-5505,


