The Hypochondriac

The Hypochondriac

Reviewed by Lovell Estell III
Zombie Joe’s Underground Theatre Group
Through May 4, 2014


Photo by Roger K. Weiss

Photo by Roger K. Weiss


    Reviewed by Lovell Estell III




    Complementing the endless rumpus over health care and the scandals about millionaire Medicare doctors comes this take on Moliere’s classic farce from writer/director Roger Weiss and the ever-rambunctious crew at Zombie Joe’s Underground Theatre. It’s a ticklish slap at our culture of over medication, Big Pharma’s pushers, and doctors who delight in the existence of non-existent ailments. Cast members donned in medical garb blitz the audience before curtain, passing out masks, hand-wipes and checking pulses, so don’t show up if you’re sick.


    Michael Durack does the honors as the wealthy, perpetually ill Argan, who, when he isn’t complaining about his string of maladies, feckless enemas, or outrageous medical bills, is savoring the affections and ample bosom of his rent-seeking wife Belinda (Rebecca Santini). His suffering is compounded by a sassy, sexy and wise maid (Nakisa Aschtiani), and a bratty, incorrigible daughter (Hannah Kaplan), whom he is determined to see conveniently married to a clueless doctor (Steve Alloway), in spite of her love for Anthony (Cameron West). Anthony who looks like he just walked in from a day at the beach. The script is a bit stodgy at times, but Weiss and his cast hit the mark enough to make it an hour of contagious fun.


    ZJU Theatre Group, 4850 Lankershim Blvd., N. Hlwyd.; Sun. 7 pm. (no perf Easter Sunday); through May 4. (818) 202-4120,