Tom Alper and Sophie Regan in The Pitch at the Lyric Hyperion Theatre. (Photo by Alan Wasserman)
Tom Alper and Sophie Regan in The Pitch at the Lyric Hyperion Theatre. (Photo by Alan Wasserman)

The Pitch

Reviewed by Martίn Hernández

The Lyric Hyperion Theatre

Through May 21

An earnest father-daughter relationship and a rogue’s gallery of quirky salesmen are enough to hang on a rickety plot and wobbly direction to make for an amiable time in actor-playwright Tom Alper’s world premiere dramedy recounting his bizarre stint with a telemarketing firm in 2006.

Tom (Alper) is a widower with dwindling resources and a teenaged daughter to raise. Desperate to make ends meet, he takes on a low-level job selling electronic components. Tom and his co-workers make cold calls to mostly apathetic purchasers, using all manner of scheming to close the deal. This is capitalism at its base level, with the struggling Tom learning the biggest lesson from his colleagues: All sales are manipulation. Tom is also in hot water with the IRS, embodied by a slimy agent (William Warren, a comedic joy).

Alper’s decision to give short shrift to Tom’s apparent gambling addiction undercuts his character’s development. Meanwhile, his performance is faltering, with Alper seemingly hesitant of his blocking and some lines. And while the office should be bustling – a la The Boiler Room, a movie pointedly referred to in the play – director Dana Schwartz has the salesman do little more than chat and listlessly fiddle with laptops and file cards, with nary a one picking up a phone.

Rescuing these flaws is some impeccable ensemble work by Schwartz’s cast. Lorenzo shines as Mike, at times tender and tough, whatever it takes to motivate the team. Michael C. Pizzuto’s Skunk, top dog of shop, is mix of bombast and self-doubt, and Alexandre Chen as the boozing Ricky Ray is the sympathetic runt of the litter. Anthony Marquez’s Scramby is a delightfully duplicitous office manager, and Connor Killeen’s understated Kid rounds out Mike’s motley “family.” Sophie Regan also excels as Michelle, Tom’s wiser-than-father daughter, whose own lesson to Tom may just lead him out of his self-imposed morass.   

The Lyric Hyperion Theatre, 2106 Hyperion Ave., Los Angeles; Sat., 7 p.m.; Sun., 3:30 pm; thru May 22.