Photo by Doug Engalla
Photo by Doug Engalla


The Winning Streak


Reviewed by Lovell Estell III

The Lonny Chapman Theatre

Through August 30


Lee Blessing’s two-character drama treads the familiar path of family dysfunction and buried secrets, but does so with engaging humor and pathos. Daniel Sykes and Lloyd Pedersen are excellent as a father and son clashing and connecting after years of estrangement. Ryland is a sensitive sort, an art restorer who never knew his father Omar, and flies out to his Midwest City home (presumably, Chicago), to finally meet him. But Omar, a retired baseball umpire and rabid fan, is far more interested in his beloved Cubs than he is in talking with or getting to know the son he abandoned years before.


Their first meeting at an airport bar, where Omar is focused exclusively on the game broadcast on the screen, and Ryland is desperately trying to talk with his father, pretty much establishes the tone for the entire play. Over the course of three weeks and a series of short scenes, we witness the angst, cruelty, bitterness and emotional ups and downs that contour this strange relationship, which unfolds in a variety of settings (Chris Winfield’s simple props serve well). It comes as no surprise that Omar’s sadistic inclinations and emotional emptiness stems from childhood traumas; the other revelations that emerge are similarly unsurprising.


There is little of captivating drama here, but still much to enjoy, mainly because of the performances and Blessing’s gift for sharp dialogue. Sherry Netherland directed.


The Lonny Chapman Theatre, 10900 Burbank Blvd, North Hollywood; Sat., 2 p.m.; Sun., 7 p.m.; through Aug, 30 (818) 763-5990,


