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Miles Crosman as Trash in Robot Teammate & the Accidental Party's 'THUG TUNNEL' (photo by Eric Peterson)
Miles Crosman as Trash in Robot Teammate & the Accidental Party’s ‘THUG TUNNEL’ (photo by Eric Peterson)

Thug Tunnel

Robot Teammate & the Accidental Party at Sacred Fools Theater
Reviewed by Vanessa Cate
Through June 22


The musical comedy and improv troupe Robot Teammate & the Accidental Party scores big with this post-apocalyptic fantasy, which follows Petunia (Kat Primeau) and the loyal yet friend-zoned Panther (Chris Bramante) as they try to escape the treacherous Thug Tunnel where humans live beneath a scorched earth. With the help of the sage-like Trash (Miles Crosman), Petunia and Panther use their “sun wand” (a reassembled flashlight) to escape from tyrants Stabby Rick (Dave Reynolds) and Breakin’ Necks Becky (Nikki Muller) through the double dark tunnel to the Great Grate and beyond!

The script, a fast-paced 1980’s laugh riot, is deftly directed by Molly Dworsky and Dave Reynolds. The performances all hit home, engendering not only uproarious laughter, but an unexpected poignancy. Even in the midst of such talent, Crosman’s Trash is an exceptional delight. This reviewer sorely hopes that Thug Tunnel be extended or remounted. The world needs more Thug Tunnel.


Sacred Fools Theater, 1076 Lillian Way, Hollywood; https://www.hollywoodfringe.org/projects/3671?tab=tickets Running time: Approximately 1 hour with no intermission.

