Photo by Kristin Lau
Photo by Kristin Lau




Review by Neal Weaver

Santa Monica Playhouse

Through April 19




This one-woman show, written, performed and co-directed by Alyson Renaldo (with Chris deCarlo) may be about virginity, but that doesn’t mean it’s devoid of sex.


Renaldo, a Canadian with Guyanese parents, was early indoctrinated by her much-loved and respected mother about the importance of remaining a virgin until marriage. But the conflict between this dictum and her own strongly sexual nature forces her to come to terms with her own mind, body and spirit—particularly when her mind is, as she puts it, a slut.


Prompted by her own strong sexual urges, she becomes a master of rationalization, persuading herself that some things are allowed, so long as they don’t lead to actual penetration. And soon that notion becomes anything is allowed, so long as penetration is avoided. That, however, does not fill the void at the center of her life.


In addition to examining her central theme, Renaldo introduces a number of colorful characters, exasperating relatives, problems related to being a black woman in a white society, ignorant souls who think Guyana is in Africa, and men who are animalistic about sex, and “think hygiene is just a greeting.”


Renaldo is a vital and vibrant performer, with a ready wit and an instinct for capturing human absurdities. Her show is always fun and interesting in a moment-to-moment way, but the structure is circular, so the ending leaves us feeling we’re right back where we started. She may have matured and learned a lot along the way, but the central problems remain unchanged and unsolved.


TDN Theatre at the Santa Monica Playhouse, 1211 Fourth St., Santa Monica. Variable schedule through April 19; call theatre for info. (800) 838-3006,


