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Abraham Arias and Erin Hadfield (Photo by Grant Terzakis)

Reviewed by Martίn Hernández
Playhouse West
Through October 6

The text of playwright Norman Barasch’s 1995 romantic comedy is steeped in references to that era – use of electric typewriters, TV’s NYPD Blues, Ross Perot, etc. –  yet director Wolfgang Bodison’s production has Barasch’s characters using modern day headphones, iPods, and luggage. This puts the setting in a confusing time loop that the play’s retrograde sexual politics also exacerbates. While 30 years ago the sexual harassment on display by the male character could be played for laughs, even back then women who endured such abuse did not feel it was anything to joke about — and the same holds true today.

On a flight from Los Angeles to New York, obnoxious manchild Jeffrey (Abraham Arias) is seated next to sedate Ellen (Erin Hadfield), who just wants to read “The Satanic Verses” in peace. Jeffrey, however, has other plans as he tries to boor his way into Ellen’s heart, using all manner of creepy tactics that she wholeheartedly rejects. Of course, Jeffrey does not take no for an answer and, as is the wont of this comedy genre, Ellen eventually relents. What follows is a whirlwind romance that a tragic revelation puts in jeopardy.

Considering what they must work with, Arias and Hadfield deliver effective performances. Despite his over-the-top mugging and whiny portrayal, Arias brings a convincing vulnerability to Jeffrey, a writer who would rather be working in the theater than churning out the drivel he does for network TV. Hadfield’s Ellen, despite recent events that hinder her from doing the work she loves, is a perfectly calm foil for the rambunctious Jeffrey. She manages to display deep emotions with a well-placed look or by the timbre of her voice.

Director Bodison inundates the piece with songs and music cues, a ploy meant to heighten key moments of the play. However, this eventually grew tiresome and mostly unnecessary since the actors are quite capable of displaying their emotional range without it. Also, with an opening night running time of two and a half hours — with at least 20 minutes for scene changes —  a lot of energy gets sucked out of an already tedious production.

Playhouse West – Magnolia Studio, 10634 Magnolia Blvd., N. Hollywood.; Sat., 7 p.m.; Sun., 2 pm; thru Oct. 6.Running time: two hours with a ten-minute intermission.

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